Our Purpose

CUF Neighborhood Association, Inc. functions as the official representative of the above-named communities to the City of Cincinnati. The Association has for its purpose the general welfare of the community. The organization will concern itself with zoning regulations, housing code enforcement, traffic patterns, shopping, school and recreational facilities, human needs, attractive appearance, and all measures designed to preserve and upgrade the area as outlined in the CUF Community Plan.
(from the Association bylaws)

Upcoming events

Send us an email to suggest an event at: thecufna@gmail.com  (just type this in if your browser's email doesn't accept mailto links)

Be sure to include the location, dates, start and end time, and a blurb describing the event.

Become a Member

If you are a resident of the neighborhood or are interested in staying informed and having a voice in neighborhood decisions, please consider joining us.

Join us

CUF Neighborhood Association is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, 2364 McMicken Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45214.

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